Butterfly on a Flower 24 x 24 Custom Canvas Print Premium

Design 58228 Canvas Prints

Custom 24 x 24 Custom Canvas Print Premium

Your image is printed using high quality inks with a glossy finish. We use high quality artist quality canvas that is fade resistant, crack resistant, and has anti-yellowing properties. The canvas is made of a polyester/cotton blend. The printed canvas is stretched over a 1.25″ wood frame that is kiln dried and warp free. Your canvas comes hang ready and even has rubber bumpers to protect your walls and hanging surface. Canvas prints of this size are one of our most popular products. The 24x24 canvas, product size 24x24x1.25", is the perfect size for any wall. When you see canvas prints at a local cafe or gallery they are often in this size as it is not overwhelming but can still display a large, rich image. Several of these dot our office and have made a great gift for family and friends with personalized pictures.

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